PG Secret

Illustrations created for a series of sponsored posts for Secret Deodorant focused on women of color.

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Fighting For Their Rights: A Brief History of Women of Color Asserting Their Worth

It may be easy to forget that black women still make 63 cents for every dollar a white, non-Hispanic man makes. Latinas make about 54 cents on that same dollar. But if there’s anything that the history of working women of color in the United States has taught us, it’s that we’ll fight until we’ve earned every cent we deserve. Follow the trails blazed by the incredible women in the timeline below and proclaim your value loud and proud.

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Real Women Discuss How To Level Up And Ask For A Raise

On average, a black woman makes $.63 as compared to each dollar earned by a white man, which means she would have to work more than half a year more than her male counterparts just to make the same amount. For certain non-black women of color, it can take even longer.